Hilliard Adopt-A-House Photos

February through early August 2003


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Habitat for Humanity
of Greater Columbus

Hilliard Adopt-A-House submitted the application to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Columbus on February 10, 2003. The agreement was accepted and HFH-GC advised us in March that we would be the first spring build.

In April we learned that the wrong lot was cleared, and we were advised that another lot would be selected and cleared. We were told that the dig would be done in May so that we could be on site in early June.

On June 5th we were told that digging should begin the following week.

On July 3rd we were told that digging should be on July 7th or 8th, and so it was!!!

Basement walls were poured in mid-July and the backfill was done in late July. During that time we cut and marked floor plates at the GCHFH warehouse, before the basement floor was poured on August 6th.

See below for a few photo memories of these months.